Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I hope you'll agree with me that it's time for us to get together and share our ideas for the future of support for libraries and literacy in San Luis Obispo County.  The blog seems a natural 21st century venue for that sharing, and I look forward to a lively conversation among Friends, the Foundation, the Literacy Council, library staff and other partners. 
     This blog begins in March 2011, as the governor and legislature are agreeing on painful cuts to library and literacy programs statewide.  Don't let it end there. 
     Eventually, when we figure out how to make this work, we'll add links to the websites of each of our organizations, and to other appropriate resources.  A countywide calendar of library and literacy activities, for example, would let us quickly learn about each others' book sales, author visits, board meetings, trainings, advocacy activities, festivals, . . . 
     If you're an experienced blogger, or if you've never posted before, your help is most welcome.  Please add your comments.  Collaboration is the keyword here!